Antique Shop

Establishment at 98/96 Midland Highway, Perth, TAS 7300, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Antique Shop: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Contact Information


98/96 Midland Highway
TAS 7300
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+61 3 6398 1323


Reviews of Antique Shop

    Malcolm Young Added July 09, 2023
    The most welcoming store in Evandale, the owner's got a few tales to tell.
    Trong Hieu Do Added July 03, 2023
    a tranquil small town
    ken reid Added July 03, 2023
    the owner is a member of the AUSTRALIAN ANTIQUE SOCIETY and as such only sells antiques ,not rubbish ,A reputable Antique dealer .
    Marjorie Added July 02, 2023
    A cute little antique shop to find some trumpet special treasures, I just wish I have the $$ and room to purchase some of the wonderful pieces in here !!
    Bob Wright Added June 17, 2023
    Had a very good Experience with Evandale Antiques, What a Fantastic Wealth of Knowledge Peter the Woofe is.

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Questions & Answers

1. What is the phone number for Antique Shop

The phone number for Antique Shop is +61 3 6398 1323.

2. Where is Antique Shop located?

Antique Shop is located at 98/96 Midland Highway Perth, TAS 7300.

3. Is there a primary contact for Antique Shop

You can contact Antique Shop by phone using number +61 3 6398 1323.

4. What is the web address (URL) for Antique Shop

The website for Antique Shop is .

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